
Obsessed with, Inspired by: Menswear

Monday, July 01, 2013

(all images and sources can be found on my tumblr)
 I hope I'm not the only girl who often finds herself wandering into the men's section of a store, trying on the clothes, and praying that something might fit.  Recently men's fashion has boomed, and I am obsessed.  I think every lady can agree that there is almost nothing more attractive on a man than a perfectly tailored suit.  Just ask Chuck Bass, did you ever see a girl turn him down while sporting one of his pinstriped beauties (Jenny Humphrey aside)?  While a suit is always safe, menswear has taken a turn for the "dangerous."  While I personally may not enjoy the kilt trend that Kanye seems to be embracing, I understand and can respect the risk!  One of my favorite fashionable males is A$AP Rocky.  Not only is he gorgeous and talented, but he has an eye and knowledge for fashion that most men couldn't learn if they tried.  He's been wearing Raf Simons and Rick Owens since he was a child, and that eye for style has certainly followed him into adulthood.  Ever having style-block?  Take a moment from SJP and Audrey Hepburn, and turn your attention to the men of the world, you never know what could inspire you!

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